
 Kidz Club will meet this evening at 5:30.


On January 27, 417 A British monk, Pelagius was excommunicated for heresy. Pelagianism teaches that men are innately good (no original sin, contrary to Romans 5) which dilutes the essence of Christ’s substitutionary atonement.


       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ray Bauder


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume on Thursday, March 7.


“Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned…”

Romans 5:12


Worship Hint for Families

          Let’s play hide-and-seek!

We all like to hide—and some of us are really good at it. Oh, we don’t hide from ‘hunters,’ we hide from each other or from ourselves. Sometimes we even try to hide from God.


Where do we go when we hide? Do we use the other door at church, delete an email, silence the phone (relying on caller ID), only speak in generalities, stay home from church? The list is endless.


The psalmist says “In the LORD I take refuge…”. Would that we go to Him to hide. Even if we are hiding because of a besetting sin, to hide in the Lord is true refuge. No shame, no fear, just lots of encouraging help. 


Ø  There will be a presentation by the Gideons during the evening service.

Ø  Rejoice with the Roberts family at the birth of their new son, Bennett. Pray for them as they adjust their household to this new arrival.

Ø  The Annual Meeting will be held at 7:00 on Friday night, February 2. There will be a pot-luck dinner at 6:00. Please bring a dish to share.