
 Kidz Club will meet this evening at 5:30


       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader Barry Peffer



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

  Thursdays at 6:00 PM


Worship Hint for Families

       All assistance must come from a source with greater resources than the one needing assistance. You can’t five what you don’t have. Neither can you get what you need from a source as needy as yourself.

  We exist as natural, dishonorable, corruptible, perishable, weak beings incapable of any end but one of destruction.

  Not so the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone was preserved from corruption, and he alone can lift ‘natural man’ above corruption. The resurrection of Jesus settles eternity for all who believe. That “first man, Adam, became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” We needed life. He has life to give…because of the resurrection.

April’s calendar is on the table in the foyer.